Workshops | Performances | Lectures
Ward van der Houwen has been performing as a poet for years, with his own programme or as a writer of occasional verse. Initially with light poetry and love poetry, and later with poetry under the umbrella, “the poets of the covenant”. He currently combines his love of engineering with poems about space travel, and in particular unmanned exploration of other worlds. What perhaps at first sight seems to be a strange combination of “soft” art and “hard” technique has always been a matter of course in post-industrial revolution Russia and the Soviet Union. It is also Russian (Soviet) unmanned space travel, which appears in his poetry the most.
Workshop Design Thinking

(Nederlands) Ontwerpen voor niet-ontwerpers: Uw sterkten ontdekken, nieuwe mogelijkheden zien.

In 1997 the interplanetary probe Cassini-Huygens was launched in the direction of Saturn’s […]
Techno and space poetry

(Nederlands) Op 4 oktober 1957 lanceerde de Sovjet-Unie onder leiding van Sergej Koroljov, totaal onverwacht, object PS1 […]
(Nederlands) Het Convenant

(Nederlands) In 2003 besloten de dichters Arjen Nolles, Karel Feenstra en Ward van der Houwen, onder […]
(Nederlands) Die andere Aarde

(Nederlands) In een show met beeld en geluid neemt Ward van der Houwen het publiek mee door de tijd […]
Occasional poems

Ward van der Houwen has been performing as a poet for years, with his own programme or as a writer of occasional verse.