Product (re)development | Conceptual engineering
Cost-effective product (re)design for healthcare
Mission and method
To improve existing medical products to increase cost-effectiveness: to (internationally) co-operate with medical doctors, practitioners, technology institutes, researchers and manufacturers to reconsider existing medical products on cost-effectiveness and practical use.
To help seeking out existing medical product (disposables, instruments) that can be improved upon due to advances in the field of application, technology or otherwise.
To find, by observation, interview or literature, opportunities for redesign, shift of application or change of business model that can boost the cost-effectiveness and thus sale of any existing medical product.
To promote innovation by actively seek opportunities for improved products in existing markets, new markets for existing technologies, new business models and new co-operations to market these products. To seek IP, expand within existing IP or work around existing IP.To capture ideas in to extremely cost-effective product designs.
Product portfolio highlights (alleen niet-vertrouwelijke)
The VoiceMint

(English) The patented VoiceMint electronic voice prosthesis is a modern, gadget-like voice […]

Patiënten zonder strottehoofd hebben veel baat bij luchtfilters en/of spreekkleppen op hun tracheostoma.
iValve v1

Automatische spreekklep voor stembandlozen, versie 1. Zonder strottehoofd en dus stembanden kunnen gelaryngectomeerde patiënten […]
Bloedschadetester (Haemobile)

Hoe meet je, betrouwbaar, de schade (die leidt tot bloedstolling) die hartkleppen en kunstvaten aan […]
Tracheale drukmeter

In het Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Ziekenhuis was behoefte aan een systeem om bij gelaryngectomeerde patiënten […]