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The VoiceMint

The VoiceMint

The patented VoiceMint electronic voice prosthesis is a modern, gadget-like voice […]

iValve v2

iValve v2

Handsfree speech valve for laryngectomy patients, version 2 […]

Tracheostoma patch

Tracheostoma patch

Patients without a larynx (laryngectomy patients) can draw many benefits from air filters and/or speech valves on their tracheostoma.

iValve v1

iValve v1

Handsfree speech valve for laryngectomy patients, version 1. Without a larynx, and therefore without vocal cords […]

Blood damage tester (Haemobile)

Blood damage tester (Haemobile)

How do you reliably measure, in the lab, the damage (which leads to blood coagulation) that heart valves and artificial valves […]

Tracheal pressure measurement

Tracheal pressure measurement

At the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, there was a demand for a system for measuring the air pressure in laryngectomy patients […]