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Scientific Publications

Scientific Publications

Journal Publications, Invited lectures/presentations, Panel Memberships, Media-apearances/Pop science publications […]

OKE-film iValve

OKE-film iValve

Ward van der Houwen was the supervisor of trainee Charissa Roosien, winner of the OKE-thesis prize.

(Nederlands) Het Convenant

(Nederlands) Het Convenant

(Nederlands) In 2003 besloten de dichters Arjen Nolles, Karel Feenstra en Ward van der Houwen, onder […]

laboratory equipment:
Blood damage tester (Haemobile)

Blood damage tester (Haemobile)

How do you reliably measure, in the lab, the damage (which leads to blood coagulation) that heart valves and artificial valves […]

(Nederlands) Die andere Aarde

(Nederlands) Die andere Aarde

(Nederlands) In een show met beeld en geluid neemt Ward van der Houwen het publiek mee door de tijd […]

scientific setups:
Pneumatics Simulator Device

Pneumatics Simulator Device

All speech valves, patches and elastic mechanisms were tested and optimized using our unique pneumatic […]

Teleac – iValve

Teleac - iValve

Het Academisch Ziekenhuis (Spring 2010), Episode 4 (part) […]

Occasional poems

Occasional poems

Ward van der Houwen has been performing as a poet for years, with his own programme or as a writer of occasional verse.

Teaching material

Teaching material

A collection of exercise books, readers and notes where Ward van der Houwen the writer or […]